Stephen Hawking Einstein Newton Poker
In honor of the late, great Stephen Hawking, here's a clip of his cameo from the Star Trek: The Next Generation season six episode 'Descent, Part 1', playing poker with Data and Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein (it's actually Data playing with holodeck simulations of the three). They discuss the curvature of space-time and Newton's apple story while Data and Isaac fold, then Hawking smokes Einstein (who was convinced he was bluffing) with four-of-a-kind, much to Albert's chagrin. Oh, that Stephen! I bet he changed the cards in his hand with his mind. Rest in peace.
During the season six finale, Lt. Commander Data can be seen playing poker with 'hologram' versions of Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton RELATED ARTICLES Previous. In the episode I was playing poker with Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Commander Data on the Holodeck. Because the game was interrupted by a red alert on the Enterprise, I couldn’t cash in my winnings of 140 Federation credits. I approached Paramount Studios, but they did not know the exchange rate! It's all 'media hype', says Stephen Hawking. He is a rare celebrity scientist. He's even had a TV cameo role in Star Trek in which he plays poker with scientific icons Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Yet when asked about comparisons between himself and the two scientists, he calls it all 'media hype.'
Stephen Hawking Albert Einstein Isaac Newton Poker
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