Roulette Has The Worst Odds

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Roulette Has The Worst Odds 3,5/5 1989 reviews

Some casino games are just meant to be avoided due to their high house edges. Such games give the casino a much larger advantage than they deserve.

Big Six, Bonus Six, and keno are all good examples of games that aren’t worth playing if you hope to win. I personally think keno is especially bad, considering that it has up to a 30% house edge in some cases.

There are two variations that you should be aware of when playing roulette, American and European. American roulette has 0 and 00 slots that actually double the house edge by creating an additional space to drop the odds of you winning further without paying you for that drop in additional prize money. Which Games Have The Worst Odds? Before we address the best casino games to win money we should also examine the ones that rip you off the most. Odds can vary from casino to casino and many of them actually have guides that can tell you which games will give you the best return on your investment. A European roulette wheel features 37 pockets, while an American wheel has 38 pockets. I’ll discuss more on these games later and why they’re both better than the triple zero version. But the key point is that these are the most common types of roulette.

Unfortunately, some games with low odds of winning can be deceiving. You may have heard that roulette is a good game with regards to beating the casino.

Roulette Has The Worst Odds

But you might also fall for the triple zero version. I’m going to discuss more on triple zero roulette and why it’s so bad.

What Is Triple Zero Roulette?

The vast majority of roulette wheels are either of the European or American variety. A European roulette wheel features 37 pockets, while an American wheel has 38 pockets.

I’ll discuss more on these games later and why they’re both better than the triple zero version. But the key point is that these are the most common types of roulette.

The rare triple zero wheel features 39 pockets. The pockets include numbers 1-36, zero, double zero, and triple zero.

The latter is what truly defines this game. Triple zero roulette is the only variation that offers a pocket with three zeros.

Why Is Triple Zero So Bad?

At first glance, the triple zero wheel might just seem like an opportunity to enjoy a new style of roulette. The reality, though, is that it’s designed to give the casino a larger edge.

The first thing to understand here is that each zero pocket, or those colored green, gives the house an advantage on most bets.

If you take “black” on a red/black wager, for example, then you have 18 chances of winning. This is because the 1-36 pockets feature 18 black spaces.

The triple zero wheel has 21 pockets that can cause you to lose. Pockets 1-36 contain 18 red spaces. Additionally, pockets 0, 00, and 000 can result in a loss.

You may not immediately notice how bad of a deal this is. But you’ll fully understand when you calculate your chances of winning and the house advantage.

Here’s the math:

  • 18 / 39 = 46.15 chance of winning
  • 3 / 39 = 7.69% house edge

Again, you have 18 chances of both winning and losing within numbers 1-36. But the kicker is that three special spaces give casinos an extra advantage.

Triple zero roulette’s 7.69% house edge is one of the worst in all of gambling. Its sole purpose is to trick unknowledgeable gamblers so that casinos win more money.

How Can You Avoid Triple Zero Wheels?

The great thing about triple zero roulette is that it’s not available in abundance. In fact, the vast majority of gambling venues don’t carry this game.

One reason why is because of gamblers are knowledgeable enough about roulette to avoid the triple zero wheel. They’d rather choose a more favorable European or American wheel.

Even those who don’t understand the roulette house edge may notice that their money vanishes much faster with a triple zero version. Eventually, they’ll just go back to playing the variation(s) they enjoyed before.

Triple zero roulette is most commonly found at charity gambling events. Therefore, you’re unlikely to see it in your local casino.

If you do spot it, then you won’t have much trouble figuring out how to avoid it. You simply need to look at the wheel and notice that there are three green pockets.

Green typically means “go” in most situations. In this case, though, it should mean “stop” or stay away.

Is There Any Advantage to Triple Zero Roulette?

I want to reiterate that you should avoid triple zero wheels at all costs. They’ll drain your casino gaming bankroll much faster than a common wheel.

But one small benefit that triple zero roulette offers is more comps. A pit boss that sees you playing this game will think you’re losing more money with it.

As a result, they’ll increase your player rating to offer more rewards. However, you shouldn’t let these increased VIP benefits draw you toward triple zero roulette.

Casinos have already worked out the math on all games to ensure that they still make hefty profits when rewards are included. Even when you’re receiving more comps through triple zero roulette, you still aren’t getting a better deal.

What Are Some Better Roulette Options?

You can see why triple zero roulette is such a terrible game to play. But what can you play in its place if you still want to enjoy roulette action? You can try any of the following games, which are explained in detail.

American Roulette

An American roulette wheel has 38 pockets, including 1-36, zero, and double zero. The two zero pockets give the casino a 5.26% house advantage (2/38).

This house edge is still high in the grand scheme of gambling. However, it’s better than what the triple zero wheel offers.

European Roulette

A European wheel has 37 pockets, including 1-36 and zero. The lone zero pocket only gives the house a 2.70% edge (1/37).

This game is certainly preferable to both triple zero and American roulette. It also offers one of the friendlier house advantages in the gambling world.

French Roulette

French roulette is also played on a European wheel. However, it differs from European roulette in one major way.

The French version features a special rule called “la partage.” This rule pays half back on any losing even-money bet when the ball lands on zero.

As explained earlier, the European wheel normally leads to a 2.70% house edge. But la partage cuts this figure down to 1.35% as long as you stick with even-money wagers.

Mini Roulette (With La Partage)

Mini roulette is played on a small wheel with just 13 pockets. The pockets include 1-12 and zero.

As is, this wheel gives the casino a 7.69% house edge (1/13). You might be thinking, “How is this any better than the triple-zero version?”

Many mini roulette games feature the la partage rule just like the French game. Therefore, this variation has a 3.85% house edge on even-money bets.

The mini version still doesn’t give you a great chance to win in comparison to French or European roulette. But it’s better than both American and triple zero roulette.


Casinos aren’t able to build lavish resorts because they lose to gamblers on a regular basis. Instead, they have a built-in casino edge in almost every scenario.

Most of the time, gambling venues are fairly reasonable with their edges. They actually give you a decent shot to win in the case of French and European Roulette.

American and mini roulette aren’t the greatest games. But at least the casino isn’t trying to rob you with them.

The same can’t be said of triple zero roulette. Due to three house-friendly pockets, it features an atrocious 7.69% house edge.

Few casino games are worse in this regard. I’ve mentioned most of them at the outset, including Big Six, Bonus Six, and keno.

You might as well add triple zero to the list of difficult games. It’s presented as a harmless and fun variation of roulette.

But the truth is that it’s only harmless and fun for the casino. You, on the other hand, will take the matter much more seriously when you lose money quicker on a triple zero roulette wheel than you would with any other version.

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Easy to Play – Just Pick Your Numbers

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The odds and payouts in roulette vary significantly with how you bet. There’s a wide range of bets you can place –some of which offer relatively good odds at the casino with payouts of 1:1, while other bets offer bigger payouts with lower odds.


Inside bets have lower odds but they offer bigger payouts. Below are all of the inside betting options, their odds/payouts and how to place them on the table.


You will often see odds referred to as “35:1” or “35 to 1”. This means if you bet $1, you’ll win $35.

Straight Up Bet

Winning bet on a single number
Place chip on a single number
Payout: 35:1

Split Bet

Winning bet on 2 numbers
Place chip on the line between two numbers
Payout: 17:1

Street Bet

Winning bet on 3 numbers
Place chip on outside border of three numbers
Payout: 11:1

The Corner

Winning bet on 4 numbers
Place where all four numbers intersect
Payout: 8:1

The Top Line

Winning bet on 5 numbers
Place chip on 5 numbers (00, 0, 1, 2, and 3) at intersection of the dividing lines between 0 and 1
Payout: 6:1

The Line Bet

Winning bet on 6 numbers
Place chip so bet overlaps 2 different rows of numbers
Payout: 5:1



Outside bets have the best odds – but they offer lower payouts. Below are all of the outside betting options, their odds/payouts and how to place them on the table.


This is a good betting strategy for beginners just getting a feel for the game.


You will often see odds referred to as “1:1” or “1 to 1”, for example. This means if you bet $1, you’ll win $1.


Winning bet on high or low number
Place chip on “19-36” for high and on “1-18” for low
Payout: 1:1

Roulette Has The Worst Odds Ever


Winning bet on red or black
Place bet on “RED” or “BLACK” on table
Payout: 1:1


Winning bet on even or odd number
Place bet on “EVEN” or “ODD” on table
Payout: 1:1

Roulette has the worst odds college football

Column Bets

Winning bet on column of 12 numbers
Place bet on the “2 TO 1” area of desired column
Payout: 2:1

Dozen Bets

Winning bet on a particular dozen
Place bet on your choice of either “1st DOZEN”, “2nd DOZEN” or “3rd DOZEN”
Payout: 2:1


Roulette Has The Worst Odds College Football


Roulette Has The Worst Odds Against

Roulette Bet with the Worst Odds

You’re probably wondering what the worst odds are in roulette. That would be the Top Line (5-number) bet. The payout is 6 to 1 – less than the true odds. The average percentage of wagers that the house keeps, known as the house edge, on this particular bet is 7.29%! It’s much higher than the average house edge for American roulette, which is 5.26%.

Roulette Odds and the House Edge

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Get the facts on why the odds are what they are.